Sunday is museum day

What better way to spend a quiet, sunny  Sunday than to visit Iloilo City's national museums. The burgeoning arts and culture scene  in the city has paved the way for the restoration of heritage buildings, parks, monuments and the establishment of national and regional museums. Iloilo is a cultured city which lovingly remembers its glorious and gilded past.

After spending a lovely morning and brunch at the Tahum Fair at Iloilo Convention Center, me and my friend trekked to the downtown area to visit the recently opened National Museum of Maritime History at the ground floor of Iloilo Customs House/Aduana Building in front of Sunburst Park. In general, museums in Iloilo City are open from Tuesdays to Sundays and you are assured of peace and quiet as you browse through artifacts and relics that showcase our national heritage. Instead of heading to crowded malls, why not spend some contemplative time, reflecting upon and  learning more about our nation's history.

First stop was the National Museum of Maritime History followed by the Museum of Philippine Economic History. The last stop was the National Museum of Western Visayas. In between museum visits, we sauntered in the nearby parks,  sat on wrought iron park benches while listening to  classical music wafting through the speakers. 

The historic Plaza Libertad in front of Iloilo City Hall is a safe and beautiful place to enjoy tropical plants, flowers and native trees. Meanwhile, the newly renovated Graciano Lopez Jaena Park (Jaro Plaza) is an idyllic place to enjoy a late afternoon sunset while gazing at the newly restored Jaro Belfry which is now the official landmark of Jaro District.


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