Stepping out for fresh air (plus a Spotify playlist)

I've been in a midyear slump lately. Life has been in a state of ennui with the advent of the La Nina season and June being the "hump month" of the year. I'm looking back on the last five months and so far I only got to check a few items off my annual bucket list. This is not going to be an eventful, exciting year but I'm cruising merrily along. Six months to go before Christmas. So looking forward to the festive “ber” months. 

Sometimes when I get the blahs, I would step out of my daily routine to enjoy some fresh air and stare into open, scenic views. It’s better than hitting the mall and getting drowned with caffeine and cacophony. Open spaces always get me in a reframed state of mind. Inhale. Exhale. 

I'm glad my tiny city has its own share of parks and open spaces beside bodies of water. The network of esplanades in the city has been a great help to my mental health and well-being. Walking along the winding paths along Iloilo River is therapeutic and helps me collect my thoughts for serious introspection and reflection. Sometimes I’d get a eureka moment while walking. Most of the time, a lungful of fresh air is enough to unload pent-up stress. Gazing at the placid waters of the Iloilo River also has a calming effect. I would bring my noise-cancelling earphones, load up my Spotify playlist and soak up the zen.

Check out my playlist made for those early morning or evening walks along the River Esplanade. Click on the image below to open. Enjoy!



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